Wednesday, February 23, 2011 January AND February?

January's and February's weather was marked by record highs and lows. January started out extremely cold with some precipitation. But, by the months end, a strange thing happened - it rained! Of course it rained as soon as I drove the car out of the car wash, thus ruining the wash job. The fact that it rained in January, in Colorado Springs, is bizarre. Typically, because of our high elevation, when it precipitates, it turns to snow. Not this time.

February was also extremely cold in the first week due to an arctic blast that came down and froze most of the country. But, like January, a couple weeks later, and suddenly it was in the upper 60's! Only a few nights ago, clouds gathered one evening and it rained - again! Complete with lighting and thunder. The fact that we got rain in winter/spring is too weird. The fact that it rained after dark is too weird.