We've had a lot of wind for the past 1-1.5 months, and of course it seems like it is never this windy, but I have a feeling it is every Spring, which is why I've started this blog - to track the weather! And to track the location of the sun and moon.
The last I saw of the moon, which was a couple weeks ago, it was waxing. The shadow was coming up from the bottom of the moon, going straight up, not at an angle, which I found interesting.
Of course the days are noticeably longer, and I believe the sun is setting to the left of Pikes Peak still - but being that its been so cloudy lately, and I don't have a good view of the mountains from my house, this isn't a truly accurate statement, just a guess.
Sun is rising at 5:45 a.m., setting at 8:04 p.m.
Although we got rain today, the possibility of snow again is very real. I remember when Ben was born, a couple days later we were home, and we got this snow storm that lasted about 30 minutes. It was crazy.
Hooray for Sissy's weather blog! You should download weather bug for your computer. Its great to have an icon on the tool bar that tells you the temp & forecast for your area based on zip code. Awesome stuff :)